Every single time there’s a new motorcycle trip with my friends, logistics turn crazy
Technology helps a lot, but we’re getting too used to using it I’d say. How about going back to the good old days?
I planned all the opposite for this solitary tour. Not knowing where to sleep, or where I was heading was a humbling experience. Old School… even though I didn’t fully get rid of devices and I took my smartphone

Bike & Luggage
Travelling on a 25-year-old single cylinder, with no assistance whatsoever is a life saver. Nothing is going to fail, so long you have it well serviced and maintained
And some good luck is also helpful, that’s for sure. That’s why I consciously checked the bike before the trip, I took my tool box and clutch wires with me. I regularly lubricated the chain and I crossed my fingers
The Yamaha XT600E is one of the very first adventure bikes in the market. On the long haul on tarmac performs really well, but anything above 80 km/h starts to feel a bit uncomfortable. At top legal speed on the motorway it’s even worse. But the bike pulls strongly and it can be real fast
I took my outfit, my sleeping bag, the tent and an extra blanket. All in a military sack. Just like it used to be back in the 80’s
The Track
I had in mind to avoid motorways when possible. I managed to do so in about 90% of the entire tour, maybe more. Not bad for 21st Century!
And riding dirt tracks was compulsory, I wanted to travel on the dirt connecting different towns, not just the usual off road track. That ended up being one of the most important things on the route

Portugal proved just like the Spain I remember from my childhood. I can assure you I really felt like in the 80’s. Cattle, tractors, Renaults 4L and Continente supermarkets all the way
This is the first part of the track, after that, I simply got lost… and riding off road is not mapped in Google, so I don’t really know where I went through. The rest of the map when the next video is broadcasted
MotoBoar’s apparel is perfect for a vintage rally. It is technical up to modern day standards. Just like the modern classics Triumph or Harleys, the vintage part is only in aesthetics, not in performance
It was totally clear in my mind that I needed a shirt, a SlumberJack. With a couple of undone buttons, just like the riders I remember on the Montesas when I was a kid
And the shirt had never been tested off road in such a long trip, so that was the way to go

Performance was superb. It can be worn as your only outfit, or get another layer below. Sleeves can be opened for ventilation and as it is 100% cotton, transpiration was at its best
In addition, you are always nicely dressed. Dressed for the countryside. Dressed for the Ride. Just like your father or grandfather when they rode back then… but some things are never out of date. The SlumberJack made me feel I was totally fine compared to today’s standards as well
MotoJeans, pants with Aramid layer and anti impact protectors are not for sale yet. But you will soon be able to purchase them, in a matter of a couple of weeks
Wearing jeans is always the most logical and comfortable thing on a motorbike. They’re flexible, cotton made and they incorporate full body armour. The perfect pants
And the gloves, which will be available when the jeans are, were a bit too warm for the time of the year. As they are made of perforated leather though, not to an uncomfortable level. However; everything about the 40º trip was a bit too hot
Algarve in summer is not your most beloved destination probably. The route was solitary under the extreme heat
But there’s plenty to visit in the area. Beja is a small city in the middle of the grain fields and plains. Quite close to Guadiana river. Its walls are still standing strong and the castle is remarkably appealing to visit
Strolling through its narrow streets you can get to see the entire place in a day. Get a sit on any of the restaurant terraces and enjoy a Porco Preto, the pork specialty of the Portughese cousine. And only if you’ve parked the bike for the day, enjoy the local beers as well!
Evora is similar, as it is another walled city dating from long ago ages. But there’s plenty more to visit. The Roman Temple crowns the city, surrounded by the Cathedral, churches, cobble-stoned alleys and a lively city
The Chapel of Bones in Evora is a must see. When you have no bricks, why not using corpses?