A man is put in this world to live, not just to exist
Evel Knievel
I guess we all get inspired some times by great people who achieved their dreams. Admiring ain’t much unless you take it to your personal life, but it is a good way to start living
Motards are all daredevils by definition. Riding two wheeled vehicles when four wheelers offer better protection sounds like crazy. Again, some can only understand it if they had a heart for it. Don’t try to convince someone who doesn’t ride, they would never understand
Don’t try to be like Evel, because you can’t. You can be someone else, you might even be better than him, but you are not him nor you will ever be
But there’s plenty of room to live like a rock star your way. Dedicating your time and effort to whatever you love the most. You must become the best possible rider with your skills, your bank account and your circumstances

See you on the Road!