We don’t choose to come here, we are thrown in this world naked to see if we can survive it. We have someone to look after us, we have someone who wants to screw us, and we mostly have people who don’t give a fuck about ourselves
Society soon showed its teeth and told you how you should be, how you should dress, how you should behave. That’s not a lifestyle for rebels
And years go by and you are still here, so you’ve survived. Many try to screw you, and you fight them back. Others are still looking after you the same way you do about the ones you care about…
You are under attack, insulted, they make you shiver, they break you… and you are not respected. You believe in some just to realize they were sideshow actors in this role play we call life. They were here for a reason and they will soon disappear and they won’t mean a fuck anymore
And that’s when you look at her…
Shé is the one who never failed you, shé is the one who was always by your side in the darkest hours, shé is the biggest source of freedom you’ve ever had. And there’s still someone who is trying to change you, who wants to get you off the motorcycle so you have a comfortable and decent life

You fall in love with my free spirit and you then try to tame me. Look at me, how worry I am while napping at the end of the world waiting for another dusk on two wheels. You will never understand, I only want you to let me be in the world I created for myself…
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